Matteo Salonia's C99 programs.
TP-XFan (ThinkPad X-Forms Fan)
Program to modify the fan speed of any ThinkPad. It has a graphical user interface (made with XForms), and the automatic fan speed management mode (AFSM)
A Snake clone that has a pseudo-graphical user interface using ncurses. It's possible to save scores with a custom name, in any file; also, it's possible to modify the speed/difficutly, and to show screen borders.
Program with which you can make small Quizzes and/or take a Quiz. It does not have a graphical user interface; it's used via the terminal, following the text on the screen. It's possible to save scores with a custom name, in any file; also, an easy-to-use Quiz creator is included.
A simple calculator, with support for bit-shifting, Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), and other special values. It does not have a graphical user interface (like Quiz).